With a cloud of clutch dust signaling launch, Vantine rockets from zero to 100mph in 60’ typically in 1.000 seconds.
Dave first saw a T/F bike make a pass at his first real sanctioned motorcycle drag race. It happened at Cicero NY, in 1987 when he watched as Elmer Trett laid down a six second elapsed time at around 206 mph. His thoughts on seeing this pass in person have lasted him a lifetime. "I remember I was racing a Yamaha FJ 1200 at that time, my first race bike. Elmer and Larry were match racing during the DRAGBIKE! sanctioned event hosted by Tom Laughlin back then. To see and hear Elmer and Larry on the big fuel bikes, well that was it really." This is where the dream began.
His dreams became his reality in 2013 when Dave's world was forever changed by a phone call from Greg Pollard, of Pollard Nitrosports. Greg had a Top Fuel bike and needed a driver, so he contacted Dave, wondering if he had an interest in perhaps piloting the Pollard Nitrosports machine. Greg said, “I have a short list of potential candidates to pilot my bike, would you like to give this a shot?” Dave answered, “Let me give this some thought for two days and we’ll talk about this again.” When Dave called Greg back his reply was, “Let’s get together and we’ll meet at Larry’s and see what we can work out.”
Shortly thereafter, there was a meeting of the minds at the Cycle Specialist shop located in Newport News, VA., home of Larry McBride, the famous “Spiderman.”
Larry was supportive of the matchup from the start. “Dave used to help me years ago,” Larry recalled, “He was and is a very methodical racer, very focused. I knew he could do this if he put his mind to it.”