Electronics (Box)
Peeps Pennington
Mike Atkinson
Anytime one of the Pennington team (from Three Rivers) shows up for a race you know they'll be tough to beat. But when all four cars are there, the odds of winning are even less. After going red in round 1 and rebuying, Peeps Pennington, in the Pennington Brother Racing, Miller Race Car, marched his way through the 40-car field to the semis where he would have paired up with Mike Atkinson (Cibolo), who oddly enough also lost in round 1, breaking out. With neither running for points they split both money and points.
Pennington’s only loss was to Jason Tilton, then a bye before he got past Brett Zampese, former track champ Scott Ball, defending champ Brent Ritter and Kip Scharf, who went .0008 red.
Atkinson, in his 1990 Dodge Daytona lost to B. Ritter round and went on to take down Rick Schafer, Phillip Pennington, Cassie Pennington and had a bye in quarter finals