FIM-E Super Street Bike
Steve Vebables
Rick Stubbins
It was a meeting of highs and lows for the Ven Racing father and daughter duo in Super Street Bike. Steve with a fair few new bells and whistles on his DME Hayabusa crushed the rest of the field on a 6.9355/206.03 in the second qualifying session; the quickest pass in Europe. In the third session Jemma (having failed to set a number to that point) provided the low with a wheelie getting large and flipping over, fortunately the bike not collecting her on the way so injuries were restricted to a few bruises. Fourth qualifying session and Steve was back on his Busa and carding a 7.0355/210.10mph for a new class speed record. Second on the ladder was Rick Stubbins with a 7.1040/203.26, with the sixteen bike eliminator boiling down to a trophy runoff between the two top qualifiers, Ven carding a 7.005/208.00 to a 7.149/200.68 to reverse the outcome of the 2015 Main Event final.