1.) Liam Jones (UK) 3.9890/306.91 1st round
2.) Stig Neergaard (Den) 4.0848/282.18 semi-final
3.) Micke Kågered (Swe) 4.1563/247.32 runner up
4.) Anita Mäkelä (Fin) 4.5498/217.73 semi-final
5.) Steve Ashdown (UK) 5.0086/188.15 semi-final
6.) Tethys (UK) 5.1809/145.70 1st round
7.) Urs Erbacher (CH) 5.5768/104.57 1st round
8.) Duncan Micallef(M) 9.2385/74.07 runner up
Low ET Micallef 3.8960
Top Speed Micallef 312.18mph
Michael Gullqvist
The combined FIA and MSA Pro Modified category provided to be a challenging one for the UK-based teams as only Kevin Slyfield and Andy Robinson progressed to the quarter final stage, with Slyfield losing out to eventual event and FIA championship runner-up Mats Eriksson and Robinson damaging a camshaft and failing to get to the startline.
Mats Eriksson
Eriksson would comprise one half of the all-Swedish event final with opponent Michael Gullqvist having dominated his side of the eliminations ladder and just missed out on resetting the track ET record for the class with a 5.889s/243.83mph to defeat Eriksson’s 6.113s/234.05mph in the final and put an exclamation mark on his fifth FIA Pro Modified title (the MSA championship still has one round remaining in a couple of weeks’ time).
“After three events with poor results due to a red light and parts failure in the other two, there was no room for any mistakes at the finals. I’m very proud of how we were able to sharpen our game when we had to.”