This photo of Bill, self-produced, is a glimpse into the Goosic character he represents on a recent birthday. Never too proud to take a poke at himself, Bill is a Certified Event Specialist for R. & R. Marketing Consultants with offices in San Francisco.
When I first started drag racing in the ‘fifties, we attended many events at Goodyear, Ariz., west of Phoenix on an abandoned WWII concrete runway called Perryville Drag Strip. In fact, it was at this track in 1956 that NHRA finished their rain delayed U.S. Nationals which had started in Great Bend, Kansas. Cal Rice won the event driving the Wil-Cap dragster from California. Also winning a trophy was Dick and Everett Goosic with the third generation of nitro-powered fuel flat head Ford roadsters which all carried the #888.