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We have also decided to switch to Goodyear tires this season because we are in search of a more consistent tire on cooler tracks. The “jury is still out” on that decision, but with what tires cost now we will give them a very long “trial”. The Nelson Racecraft chassis is our first slip-joint chassis so we have a learning curve as far as tire pressures go. I will keep you posted as we experiment. I have heard I need to use from 3.5 pounds to 6 pounds of air. Goodyear told me to start at 5 to 5.5 pounds. I am sure every chassis and combination is different so it should be fun seeing what works.

The body is being painted this week at my new place of employment, Deery Brothers Collision Center in Cedar Falls, IA. Like the “Project 4-Link” it will not be a fancy paint job. Basic white, purple graphics and the logo of our newest sponsor, STIHL Chainsaws and Stokes Welding. We had an interesting time making the new windshield and when I show you the final “look” I think you will agree.

As you know, this is a budget car. You are also aware, or at least should be, that this doesn’t mean it is cheap to build a rear engine dragster you intend to be competitive with. We are just doing our best to make a lot of stuff ourselves, like the home made 9” Ford rear-end holder that clamps in the vise you see in the photo below. Looking for good deals in the racing classifieds in DRO and other internet sources helps.

Some items just have to be homemade. Here is our 9” Ford rear-end holder that we can clamp in a vise or to the trailer hitch if we have some emergency repairs to make at the track.

Thanks for reading about “Back-2-Basics” and special thanks to MSD, Comp Cams and TCI for their help.


Back 2 Basics  [2/8/05]
Time for a “Real Make-Over”



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