Check Out That Chassis
By Jim Salemi
I am currently
building a 3500 lb 10.90 bracket car. The car
is uncut and will use 10" wide slicks. I
have coil-over shocks with ladder bar suspension.
Wondering about placement of weight ballast and
what is the best type of weight ballast to use,
buckshot or solid plate steel. I have seen articles
suggesting that the weight be suspended directly
over rear axle but I tend to see most racers just
mount it in the trunk.
What do you suggest?
Thank you for the reply.
Alan Cox
Thanks for reading our column and submitting a question.
Coil-overs with ladders bars is a good choice. When ballasting,
a smaller-sized lead shot will enable you to pack a lot of
weight in a small area. We use #9 in our cars. However, steel
plate will work just fine if cost is an issue. As far as where
to mount the ballast, there is no general rule. Hypothetically
speaking, you may want the ballast up front. The point is
that every car is different. Set the car up, see how it runs,
and put the ballast where you need it. I hope that helps.
Jim Salemi
G-Force Race Cars, Inc.