by Dave Koehler


Having problems with my 4-shooter! Have a mild 454 with 32 nozzels /78 return pill. Have had several people say that it is wrong, said to contact you. My engine spec are 30/ over @ 12.50/1 compression, ovel port heads/steel/solid lift cam. Thanks for any info!


You do not really say what the problem is. What is wrong? Does the car go down the track ok? Etc, etc.

If you are questioning the nozzle and main jet choices, then the only way I can be close to right is to flow the system. (Best way.) Anything else will be an educated, thumb nail engineered, wild a-- guess.

Here is the trick question. Do you know what the actual free flow of your pump is at 8000 engine rpm (4000 pump speed) or any other given rpm? All pumps, jets, and nozzles flow differently, but if I know the pump flow I can at least give you an idea whether you are in a ballpark tunable range.

Feel free to resubmit the question to fuel@dragracingonline.com and get into a little more detail.

Have a safe race,

Dave Koehler



To contact Dave Koehler write fuel@dragracingonline.com




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