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I was hoping you could help me with my question, I'm building a 632 BBC (4.600x4.750) with 2 small NOSfogger systems, can I use a wet sump oiling system with this much stroke? I have been told that I will have a lot of oil control issues and detonation problems because of the stroke. I have a Moroso georotor internal oil pump, a vacuum pump and standard tension oil rings. Will this set up be OK? Or MUST I use a dry sump system?

Thank You,

Bob D.


Bob, thanks for writing.

This is an interesting question and one I have dealt with before. In my opinion
(others will differ of course!) the key to the whole deal is the allowable oil pan depth. Typically, the problem with long stroke cranks and wet sump oil systems is the tremendous windage created by all that mass of components slinging through the oil and whipping it into hurricane Hugo in the pan. I'm not saying it won't work, but, you will need a very well designed oil control system to stand any chance of success. A properly designed windage tray such as Milodons "Diamond Stripper" and a deep sump racing full length "box type" oil pan such as the units made by Moroso are a good place to start. Also, a good set of "Taper Hook" second groove rings available from CP Pistons will help the oil contamination problem and will work great with your vacuum pump system. In the end yes, a dry sump would be preferred, but I don't think it is absolutely required if your not after the last little bit of horsepower.

Hope this helps,

Jay Roeder.

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