I have 65 Chevy Nova with a 406 CID and Powerglide
.It runs 8.87 on nitrous oxide. I'm having problems
with the Powerglide making a roaring noise (like
a bad bearing) in first and high gear. The Powerglide
has a Hipster Aluminum Transbrake, 1.76 low,
five clutches in both forward drum and reverse
and a JW high volume pump. The noise first started
in high gear and continued to get worse in both
gears. I have an Autometer pressure gauge installed
at the servo port that reads 250 psi. I have
disassembled the transmission and I don't see
anything wrong . Do you have any ideas? Can
a valve body create noises?
Louis Dentley
can be a real hassle. If there were something
going away in the trans or converter the pieces
would be in the trans pan. You might have the
torque converter checked just to be sure. You
could also put a pressure gauge on to see if
the pressure is steady. If the needle is jumping
around it may be the pressure regulator buzzing.
Anyway, you're looking for clues to maybe give
you an idea of what your noise is. You just
have to keep diggin'.