I recently rebuit my 400
turbo and got talked into putting one of those
so-called shift kits from napa auto. It shifts
extremely hard like I want, but the biggest
problem is I hold it in first gear past 5000,
not cool on my Pro Street/ drag S10. Are there
any valve body kits I can purchase without having
to dissmantle my trans. to get rid of the napa
parts? I was told I could lock up my gov. but
I drive this every day in the summer and I don't
want the hassle of shifting it everytime I leave
the red light.
Thank you,
Back in 1965 possibly when the first big blocks
came out, General motors had a problem with customers over
revving the engines and causing damage to the engines. So
Hydromatic built a system into the 400 valve body that even
with the shifter in manual low it would still shift at about
5000 RPM to save the engine. Most of the better shift kits
have the modifications in them to deal with this, it does
involve changing the 1-2 shift valve and plugging the casting,
otherwise it will shift no matter what you do!
Mike’s Transmission
Lancaster CA
(661) 723-0081

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