a nerve, didn't we? Here (in order received)
is what some of you had to say about NHRA's
decision to move the Gators Sportsman competition
to Orlando and Jeff Burk's defense of it. We
haven't edited any of them other than to capitalize
some words and add a clarification. Also, note
that Burk's commentary neglected to mention
that the Stock and Super Stock classes had also
been moved to Orlando.
(written before Burk's opinion was on DRO)
Are some of the folks at NHRA on the good drugs?
Or are they taking the first step in eliminating
sportsman competitors from NHRA national events?
In Florida, we're 2-1/2" behind the annual rainfall
right now (it's dry) so I
have a hard time with the soggy story. Can you
just imagine what this is putting of the total
event car count through? I really feel sorry
for the guys that don't have motor homes and
have to deal with hotels. If you win in Orlando
on Saturday you then have to drive 2-1/2 hours
to Gainesville. Good luck getting a hotel for
one night in Gainesville where there is a 3-night
minimum everywhere.
What a nightmare for these guys. These are the guys that foot the bill for the whole deal, get lousy payouts and now don't even get to race in front of a crowd and be a part of the spectacle (which is really half of the thrill). What about the sportsman racer's sponsors much less all of their friends and family that only go to one big race a year to see them race.
Ok... how about from strictly a spectator standpoint (which unfortunately is the best I can do right now). On Sunday night I bought two tickets for Friday and now I'm getting screwed out of half of the show. Sure I love to watch the Pros but I also love to watch Steve Cohen, Anthony Bertozzi, Dan Fletcher and Corky Markwart race just as much. I'm now getting half of what I paid for. Do you think they would give me a free pass to Orlando on Saturday? The drag racing story of the year will be in Orlando this weekend. I would love nothing better than to see John Force take his whole crew and pack up to spend Saturday in Orlando to support Ashley.
This just isn't a Kosher scenario. That's my opinion. I can't wait to read yours.
Paul Fink
Tampa, FL
I have been (at Gainesville) pitted in the "pits" of places. We took rugs out of our trailer and bought sheets of plywood to set our car on. That track needs work. I still think they (NHRA) have been saying they want a sportsman nationals, and a pro nationals, and this is not a bad thing. I guess the racers were ticked off only due to not knowing about the change until they got there. I hope their sportsman show went over OK, but I would be upset, too, if I had to run two hours to my motel each night after racing & thrashing all day in the hot sun. But as you said, Nature was to blame, and I agree this was better than sending them home.
Richard Burbick