Did you pay the fee to race at
the national event and then be told on Monday
night at 6:30 pm that you will race at Orlando
or go home? All we wanted was to make one run
on Thursday and race that day. They were more
concerned about parking the spectator then the
sportsman racer. They do have a road course
and parking outside of the facility that
have accommodated the racers. They already had
our money and they were worried about getting
the spectator money. One racer went to the race
to check it out and they had so many pros entered.
There would have been no parking for us either
Once again they spent all the
money on upgrading the parking for the spectators
instead of working on proper drainage in the
swamp they call Gainesville Dragstrip. We
rode through the pits on Tuesday evening and
there had been no attempt to even bring in
gravel and the majority of it was already
dried out. We saw this with our own eyes.
So take their side, we saw what they didn't
do. They oversold the parking area when they
accepted all the entry fees from 400 plus
sportsman racers. Our friend came in from
Denver to watch us race and couldn't get out
of his rooms. So he came to Orlando for one
day and then went on to Gainesville.
When we were at the World Finals
in Norwalk there was over 900 cars and we
got dumped on big time by the weather. Bill
Bader came around asked what he could do and
had gravel hauled in by the truckloads. That
is what I call wanting the racers and working
with the racers until the very end. That is
my opinion for what is worth to you.
Colleen Ericksmoen
Your opinion was dead on in
this unfortunate situation. OK. So they keep
the "sportsman" (not very good sports) at
Gainesville and make the Pros go to Orlando.
Then consider that at least a minimum of 75%
of the paying customer...the spectator, attends
a national event to see...the Pros. So NHRA
had a choice. They could let a few hundred
racers stay and race in Gainesville, so as
not to offend them, and make the pros go to
Orlando, then announce to the multiple thousands
of spectators, that they had to change their
plans and go now to Orlando. NHRA was screwed
and they knew it. They had no choice but to
piss off as few as possible.
Don Richerson
Somerset, Kentucky
If that was such a great decision
why did so many racers feel betrayed upset
and decided just to go home. I was one of
those racers that had just left Orlando for
the div. 2 race and headed to the Gators after
eliminations on Sunday. NHRA made the decision
that was easiest for them. If you were there
you notice the lack of space available for
the sportsman racers, not enough for 400 racers.
If we had not paid the entry a month in advance
do you think we would have been racing at
We suggested pitting outside
of the original pit area NHRA did not want
to here any suggestions. The other thing that
upset a lot of racers was the fact that some
racers never left Orlando and knew in advance
what was going on. But I am proud of the 150
racers that decided not to race at Orlando.
Melvin Lumpkin