
Fairly new father Ian Tocher (Robert will be one year old on Oct. 13), snapped this shot at the drags. Admit it now, all you moms and dads, you've fantasized about this for years, after the 56th chorus of "I love you, you love me. . ." Here's your chance. What's the caption? Backdoor@dragracingonline.com.


And the winner of our September caption contest is Bob Fisher, who submitted:

"What da ya mean I can't air guitar in the pits? Snake lets me."

Honorable Mentions

"Ron, are you sure you wouldn't rather turn corners? You have already won more here than you have in drag racing in two years!" -- Richard Burbick

"I'll play lead and you guys can fight for drums and bass." -- John Geltink

"So this is my left?" -- Sandy Siwik

"No, Ron, your other right." -- Tony Stoms

"Ron, I know Glidden said circuit racing is just a series of Drag Races with corners, but smokin' the tyres out of the corners does not count as burnouts, AND you do not back up and start a new race on every straight-away. You got that?" -- Stu Bond, Perth, Western Australia


Got a good photo for the Back Door?

Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Racing Net Source, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo in JPEG format to backdoor@dragracingonline.com.

Limit one photo per person per month, please.


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At the Back Door — 9/7/03

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