: So you weren’t just hanging around trying to blow these guys off?

MS:  No, I wasn’t sitting up in the lounge, waiting for them (his crew) to call and say we’re ready. I was working ‘til midnight every night and back up again at six working on our stuff and everybody else’s. Even after everything went down on Saturday, somebody dropped off three trannies, so I still had trannies to work on ‘til almost midnight Saturday night.

: You have been tested before and passed, right?

MS: Yep, tested at Topeka and at one of the Vegas races last year.

:  So this wasn’t new to you, you had done this before?

MS:  Yep. Same exact thing: 24 hours, so I knew the deal. I just didn’t know that I couldn’t give them the sample they needed. I requested a blood test or whatever else they could do, and they (testing administrator) said no, this is the way we do it.

: So you specifically requested a blood sample and they said no?

MS:  Yes.

: Even though the rule book specifically states that “drivers and/or officials may be required to submit to urine, blood, breath, or saliva testing.”

MS: Yes, they can request it, but I can’t. They can ask for any of the four. Listen, I don’t want to put all the blame on them (NHRA). (Pause) You know, the problem is that there is something that needs to be addressed here, you know, for in the future so that someone else doesn’t have to go through this same deal. Some drivers who hang out in the lounge all day can go down there and spend two or three hours or whatever it takes to get the sample they need. I guess it is my fault for trying to do too much.

: So how many times did you actually go to be tested?

MS: Twice Saturday. I took the breathalyzer and it read triple zero, and then I tried to fill the bottle, and couldn’t so I made the lap and still couldn’t.

: So this all took place Saturday. Did you try Friday night?

MS:  I did, but when I got there it was closed. I figured it might be but I thought I would give it a shot. I should have made more time.