Well, you’re off to a great start! Two one-hour qualification shows with a total of about twenty minutes’ worth of racing. I know you want attract new viewers but lighten up on the "NHRA for Dummies" segments and show a little more racing. The announcers kept talking about Doug Kalitta's qualifying run and we never even saw it! They were too busy bs-ing with Larry Dixon.

We don't need to see the line up of all drivers. This ain't a baseball game. Show us their runs and then talk about them. The announcers talked about Pro Stock problems with burnouts. Did you even show one burnout in both shows? It was like the MTV version - full of quips and quick edits.

You want to bring more sponsors into the sport? Good luck if you're not showing every car trying to qualify. It won't take long for the little guys who don't qualify in the top five (those seem to be the only runs you show) to lose their sponsorship. The only reason some guys still have sponsorship is because they at least get some TV time when they're trying to qualify. Guys like the Extermigator may just get exterminated due to lack of air time for his sponsors. And then you can call it the John and Don show!

Oh yeah, and are you ever going to get a network that actually starts your shows on time?

On the plus side, I did like the new graphics. Not sure if that's really enough to keep me watching. The Internet probably has more info than you provided. But the Internet might not be as helpful if I wanted to know why those guys are wiping off the tires. Thanks T Ped. Great TV.

Kenny Shane

I thought it was in need of major upgrading. Pedregon glared at the camera, I don’t know what a smile from this guy looks like. There were too small numbers on the screen at the end of the runs, and for too short a time. The “winner” banner only popped up about twice for the whole race, and they just were quite amateurish, I do believe. They also talked down to us the whole race, as if we all were new to the sport!

I appreciated all the TV time, but it was just repeats of the same stuff, and I realize California time and east coast time are three hours apart, and the times of broadcast were still middle of the night, but I was able to just set my DVR and watch the following day. I also added the 60 minutes to the end like I always did with ESPN, but it was not needed with FOX, they were on time, not letting underwater basket weaving competition get in the way.

All in all, I would give FOX a C for effort, and they need much work.

Richard Burbick

I did not like the qualifying coverage. One hour is not enough time to do a decent job. It seemed too rushed, incomplete, too many commercials and not enough racing. Plus they pulled that broadcasting in the wee hours crap just like before, not an improvement at all.

The eliminations were OK, not really much different than any of the previous live broadcast coverage. Since drag racing is all about numbers I missed the reaction times not being posted as well as not doing the tale of the tape for the close finishes.

The graphics for the staging lights coming on was a nice touch.

Tony did OK; since he’s new on the job I suspect his delivery will probably get smoother as he gets more experience, but I miss Mike Dunn.

Hopefully they will learn from this first stab at it and do some fine tuning of the programming.

Gary Chandler