While I was hoping for better, I am not going to just rip their first show.

They need to fix the sound of the actual racing. ie:  The audio of the race cars could hardly be heard. Tony P needs to get over his stage fright. They need to show reaction times and more data on screen during and right after the race.

I am trying to convince myself it was just first time bugs and they will get everything worked out.

Lots of room for improvement if they are going to grow their audience.

Jay Say

Dave R. was very good as usual. Tony P. needs more time to get into the flow. Liked the graphics that showed the name, pre and staged light and the reaction times, how about using it every time....finish line graphics needs to be a bolder face, larger and when shown left on screen longer and indicate who won with a green bar.....only once did I see the winner indicated with a green bar.

Not easy to do any TV show and would give this initial broadcast a B- and a work in progress......Jamie, Bruno and John did an excellent job of keeping us veteran drag racers informed, but FS has to remember that there are hopefully many first timers and they need to understand what a drag race is all about... engine size, weight of vehicle, fuel type, length of race for the pro classes.

Jack Martin

I thought it was terrible. They gave "filling time" a bad name.

Stan Ray

Personally, I think it's horrible! I watched the first 15 minutes of Friday’s qualifying coverage and turned it off. I have not had any interest in actually attending a "Big Show" race in years. However, I did try to catch it on TV when possible, when it fit my schedule. After seeing even the little that I did of the new format, I am completely done. The NHRA has had plenty of time to get it right, and once again failed.

It is a shame, as the NHRA has the resources to do it right, to do it as it should be and as it needs to be. Though once again, fail...

In this day and age good isn't good enough. Even if the coverage was great, that would not be sufficient. The NHRA is not the only motorsport with problems. Look at NASCAR. Both sanctioning bodies are severely out of touch with reality and with what needs to be done. Both need the experience at the track and on TV need to be nothing short of phenomenal. Both of these sanctioning bodies need to take a serious look at the big picture; they are obviously not doing so. There is a severe shortage of out of the box thinking and creativity across the board, at least the serious consideration and implementation of it. It seems everyone is playing it safe, in fear of their jobs, and it shows. NHRA does not need focus groups, Beta testing, etc., as much as someone who realizes what needs to be done and take the lead.

What do I mean by good and even great aren't good enough? The goal of the racing experience, whether at the track or on TV needs to be that it is so interesting and compelling that one would actually contemplate putting off any number of obligations in order to watch a broadcast or attend a race. Some of these items might include putting off dental work, paying the rent late, missing your kids’ soccer game, delaying automobile maintenance, dismissing a wedding anniversary, missing work, etc.

Of course I would not actually advocate following through with any of the previously mentioned items, though the NHRA needs to at least get these items on the fans’ or potential fans’ decision tree. Notice I didn't say logic tree. That is how compelling this sport needs to be, and it can be done. Unfortunately, the will seems to remain lacking.

The new economy, world outlook and cultural shifts, etc. have had a significant impact and largely humbled most racers, though they are trying their best to adapt; now its Glendora's turn. The ball is in their court, though it seems they have dropped it again...

Kevin Bench