Answer for short fields
Short Fields are HORRIBLE for the fans. We pay outrageous prices to see a Shorty. How about this?
At races where the field entry list is short: 14 cars qualify
Round 1: 14 cars = 7 races. With the quickest getting a bye for round 2
Round 2: 7 cars and the quickest from round 1 matched against slowest winner
That would keep everybody honest in this round.
Round 3: Quickest matched against the slowest winner from the previous round
Round 4: Finals – Same as it is now
Liam Morgan
More thoughts for NHRA
1000' for fuel racing--NO.
Slow fuel cars down:
*Limit blowers to 12-71.
*Reduce blower overdrive ratio by 25-33%.
*Maybe 1 mag?
*Means smaller capacity fuel pumps, less HP, fewer explosions.
*Go back to the 1320! Shorter tracks may then have room for 1/4 mile runs. If not, then 1/8 mile.
Open Pro Stock:
*Almost any engine with cubic inch/weight ratio. (Like it was back in 70s when Pro Stock was wide open and interesting.)
*Expand Competition Eliminator--you see some real engineering here.
*Pro Mod may be the most exciting class. Why? It's wide open, not cookie cutter cars.
Lewis Cathey