In West Coast Outlaw Pro Mod Association action, Alaskan Steve Cook with his flamed ‘69 Plymouth Road Runner might get the award for the longest tow to the event. Cook had trouble hooking up all weekend qualifying #8 in the eight-car field with some pretty wild wheels-up launches all weekend.
Bret Williamson was driving the Bunker family’s “Beast/Folsom Flash” ‘55 Chevy Pro Mod. Bret had a busy weekend driving Pro Mod as well as “The Mob” AA/FA making a few exhibition passes. He had a wild pass
Saturday afternoon when he got out of shape and crossed lanes, then appeared to slalom down the track as he attempted to get the car back under control, taking out about three cones in the process.
A close-up Cacklefest was a big hit at this year’s Funny Car Fever.