Pierce cut a .009 light to Torres’s unusually late .100, which could not overcome the perfect package of Pierce. Pierce dialed a 5.30 and ran a right on 5.309 at 144.95 mph to a losing 4.716 at 129 mph for Torres.
Non-Electronics Gambler was contested by 64 racers and one NHRA Div. 7 director Mike Rice, who was also wearing the track manager’s hat. Rice lost in the third round to Ron Hammer, who would runner up to fellow Ford racer Dan Marciano, Marciano left first in the final round, cutting a .036 and running a 6.429 at 98.63 mph. Hammer had a .073 reaction time and then ran 6.662 at 102.58 mph on a 6.65 dial.
Saturday got under way with high Santa Ana winds blowing, causing the track management to change the racing from quarter mile to eighth mile. At the very start of day 73 racers battled it out for the $3500 but when all was said and done Kenny Snow of Seal Beach, Calif., proved that not all the snow was back east! With his 1971 Chevy Vega powered by a 350 small block, Snow was the last one standing after eight rounds of competition.