At the green it was Huegli in the “Tiki Warrior” out first and remained there as both cars headed down track, Howland’s “Zeus” started to get loose and he shut off allowing Huegli to take the win 6.86 at 203.68 over Howland’s 7.46/190.16.
Matt Moreira
In addition to the BB/FC’s Dale Harsin and his Outlaw 1957 Chevy flopper took on Matt Moreira in his BB Altered in a two-lap match race. Moreira had pretty much made up his mind that he would also leave the Fox Hunt crowd wanting more, as both of his passes against Greg Borchers at the wheel of Harsin’s Outlaw were spectacular. Both laps began with HUGE wheelstands. The first was a combination of two: The first one to 300 feet where it touched down and then went right back up and stayed there till almost half track. The other wheelstand in the second round was more sedate as it only went to 250 feet. But (as Bob Frey would say) “The crowd went wild”.
To cap off the night’s festivities, Ed “The Outlaw” Jones in his Jelly Belly Firetruck wheelstander put on his patented crowd-pleasing show, topped off by throwing out thousands of bags of Jelly Belly’s to the crowd.