And there is good news/bad news at this stage in my racing life: the good news is I've brought my cameras, the bad news is that a 110 film Kodak with a "flip-flash" is right up there with growing corn in the basement -- neither project is going to work very well, as there is just not enough light to pull off either project successfully. (Hence the quality of some of these photos.)
The Chi-Town Hustler, rockin’ a new look from the folks at Ford.
Among the day’s highlights were seeing Jim Peterik and his new band SURVIVOR, which thankfully caught on, sparing him a lifetime of OZOBS screaming "do VEHICLE!", and, speaking of 'seeing', one of the few pictures that did indeed work, was the brand new Chi-Town Hustler, blessed with a window seat, so you could see all its Mustang-bodied glory. (Insert wacky DJ sound effects of screeching tires and car collision HERE) A MUSTANG?! What BLASPHEMY! (Actually, it grew on me over time.) And, the "whip-cream and nuts atop the banana split" of the day was posing for a photo with Miss Golden Shifter herself, Linda Vaughn. I asked one of her handlers if this was allowed, my voice going all 'Peter Brady' the whole time to boot (cracking with pubescent abandon) she’s a good fifteen feet away, but picks up on every word, bellowing out "SURE, get on over here, MOOSE!", which I do, being all dopey "Oooh, GOOSSHH!" the whole time.