Time to head for the exit, but if you grew up in this area, you know what’s coming next, that’s right, the presence of a jolly elf of a man, he of white hair, air-brushed T-shirt and a fistful of flyers to pass out to those leaving, none other than Broadway Bob Metzler, who put the PRO into promoting. I eagerly shake his hand, say something probably stupid like, 'Hey, you’re BROADWAY BOB!" He encourages me to come on up to the track (as he would to every soul leaving that day) and I leave, wondering how cool would it be to work for Broadway Bob.
It’s now 1989, some 10 or so years after meeting Bob and drooling over Linda, and as I walk through the doors of McCormick Place on Chicago’s lakefront, it's safe to say a LOT has changed in my life since the previously mentioned show in Arlington Heights. Older and wiser, with a failed marriage in the rear-view mirror, ACTUAL cameras in my gear bag, sharing space with business cards that the ink was almost still wet on, CHICAGO JON PRODUCTIONS has been formed, not particularly certain of exactly WHAT it’s purpose will actually be, but like everything I do, I'll figure it out eventually.