Dave Grabham and the Freddy’s Revenge team proved once again the reliability of the methanol fuelled entries as opposed to those on pop in the NFAA ranks, with another final round appearance from the low buck entry which puts him fourth in the NFAA championship. Bennett and Grabham had better luck than the other two alky Topolinos on the entry list, with Bob Glassup and Joe Bond both picking up chassis damage when the former lost a front wheel in the bumpy shutdown area when the A-arm collapsed and the latter’s avoiding action put him into the soft stuff and cracked a chassis rail.

Heads Up Classes

Not for the first time in 2009 was Nigel Payne victorious in Super Modified with the Nimbus Motorsport Sticky Situation Corvette. This was probably the best meeting for Payne with a great 7.428 heading qualifying (and being the first legal 7.4 second run in the class) and this national record pace was backed up with consistent 7.45 and 7.43 shots. Eliminations kept Payne in the 7.4 second bracket with a 7.45 bye, 7.46 semifinal pass beating Belinda Bull, and then a 7.47 that would have been difficult for Tim Mugridge to get past in the final even without Mugridge leaving a glowing cherry on the tree.