Having been knocking on the door for so long, Colin Lazenby finally broke through into the seven second bracket with his mountain motored, nitrous equipped B&H Automotive/LA Racing Parts Street Eliminator Tri-Chevy. Qualifying low with an 8.125/184, Lazenby improved on each pass during eliminations with a first round 8.090/185 bye, nudged a little closer with a 8.031/186 in a semifinal victory over new boy Paul Houston and then kicked on to a 7.957/187 to take the event win over Jeff Meads’ who ran a game 8.394 with his Ford Pop; Lazenby’s 0.024 RT was none too shabby as well. 

Richard Colby was another on PB form in Outlaw Anglia having qualified at the head of the field with an 8.364 from his blown and giggle gassed small block which he translated to an event win over Cliff Griffin in the final round in a 8.167/168 (PB ET) to 8.504/162 match up. Hopefully the NSRA Hot Rod Drags in a few weeks time will see some more entries from the always dramatic class.