One loss for the event was Troy Coughlin who damaged his defending Championship car during qualifying and was forced to retire from competition.
Saturday was to be the final qualifying round, with the final eliminations in all categories starting at 6:30 p.m. As a backup plan, Sunday was held out in case of inclement weather. Not a bad idea for this time of year in the desert. Since high winds were predicted for Saturday (which did not materialize), the option for Sunday was called upon.
Sunday did find a bright sunlit day albeit cooler. The engines liked it and the fans returned for the fourth consecutive day. Round one of Outlaw Pro Mod found Tommy Rohan using a holeshot to upend Street Car sensation Larry Larson, 5.98 to a better but losing 5.95. The 5.95 was a street car record for the S-10 truck in a losing effort.
John Stanley from Hagerstown, Md., used a strong 5.88 at 243 mph to top Bill Bailey’s ’55 Chevy who was late, late, late. The Cadillac Pro Mod is one of a kind.
The West Coast’s Maggio dodged a bullet by getting a bye due to others not answering the call. Good thing too, as Mike got out of shape off the line and shut off.
Eric Dillard, a PSCA front-runner and al Zafari’s teammate, advanced from his #2 qualifier position with a 5.61 win.
Paul Mouhayet from Australia was late but still won with a 5.70 ET at 270+ mph over the Pro Mod classic ’51 Chevrolet.