At the flash of yellow Bowen strapped a .047 RT on Hale, who had a fairly good .094 RT. Bowen thundered off the line but Hale made up the difference immediately. Bowen had a 1.1035 60-footer to Hale’s 1.1031.
Hale ran quicker to the 330 and 660 marks by a couple of thousandths but he still hadn’t overcome Bowen’s starting line advantage.
Bowen shook the tires of his Pontiac hard at about 400 feet, at which point the header flames went out on his Pontiac indicating that he had lifted. By the time the two cars got to 1,000 feet Bowen was pulling away from Hale and crossed the finish line well ahead of him. It was Bowen’s record fourth win of the 2014 Hedman Husler Hedders DRO AA/FC Challenge series where he also qualified in the number-one spot.
The next stop for the DRO series is at Steve Earwood’s Rockingham Dragway where the series will be part of the Super Chevy event. The DRO series will make a rare Saturday and Sunday run on 0ctober 5-6.